PASO’s Strategic Plan

The PASO 2023 – 2032 Strategic Plan sets a 10-year strategic focus across seven strategic goals that reinforce and reflects PASO’s contribution to achieving the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. PASO stands ready to deliver a broader scope of services, and play the multi-functional role now desired by Members.

The Strategy recognises that we are stronger working together and that through a clearly defined plan, the best way to predict our aviation future is to create the settings for success today.


PASO’s vision is “Our Members are connected to the world through sustainable, safe and secure aviation systems delivering social and economic wellbeing”.


PASO’s mission is “To support the empowerment of Pacific States to meet their international civil aviation obligations and deliver a civil aviation system that is sustainable, safe, secure and fit for purpose through the provision of technical expertise,
capability building and information sharing”.

Strategic Areas

PASO identified seven priority areas aligned to its strategic goals in the PASO 2023-2032 Strategic Plan:

  1. Membership Focus
  2. Strong Governance
  3. A Robust, Effective Organisation
  4. Regional Leadership and Engagement
  5. People-Centred Aviation Development
  6. Excellence in Service Delivery
  7. Harmonised Regulatory Systems

PASO’s Values

Five values are identified in the PASO 2018-2022 Strategic Plan and underpin PASO’s work:

Safety and Security

Safety and security drives everything we do. Our role is to protect the public in line with civil aviation obligations

Pacific identity

 Our Pacific identity defines us. We do things the Pacific way, valuing the diverse histories
and cultures that make up our membership and the wider Pacific region


: People are our focus. Our success depends on the respect, diversity, collaboration, and commitment
of our personnel. Serving our Members and the end beneficiaries of our services inspires us to succeed

Valued impact

We do things to make a difference, delivering high quality services and advice that
embodies who we are

Integrity guides our actions

We perform our duties honestly, with moral strength, and with the highest
level of ethics

Last Updated on January 27, 2023