Audits and Inspections

PASO is committed to providing excellent high-quality specialised regulatory aviation safety oversight services to PASO Member States, who are signatories to the the Pacific Islands Civil Aviation Safety and Security Treaty (PICASST).

Regional Aviation Safety Oversight Organization (RSOO)

PASO is a Regional Aviation Safety Oversight Organization (RSOO) for the Pacific recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

RSOOs are a means through which a group of ICAO Member States collaborate, share best practices, safety oversight tasks and resources, with the aim to establish and maintain an effective aviation safety oversight system.

RSOOs are in operation around the world, where ICAO Member States have challenges in providing safety oversight and resolving their safety deficiencies due to insufficient financial, technical and/or qualified human resources.

RSOOs play an important role by supporting the establishment and operation of a performance-based safety system by analyzing safety information and hazards to aviation at a regional level and reviewing the action plans developed within the region.

In the Pacific, PASO Member States have agreed to cooperate in the area of aviation safety. PASO, as a CROP agency dedicated to regional aviation safety, is the RSOO for the Pacific region.

PASO carries out tasks which have been transferred by Member States to PASO and is assisting States in the implementation of the safety regulatory framework.

PASO provides technical aviation assistance to our Members, including sharing updates and advice from the ICAO on the global aviation industry, particularly in the areas of training and capacity development to meet ICAO safety requirements, such as runway condition reporting, and more recently COVID-19 response and recovery.

PASO is a Regional Aviation Safety Oversight Organization (RSOO) for the Pacific


PASO provides high-quality specialised regulatory aviation safety oversight services to PASO Member States.

PASO provides high-quality specialised regulatory aviation safety oversight services to PASO Member States.

Audits and Inspections Program

PASO’s Audits and Inspections Program is undertaken in accordance with the legal environment and policies of Member States, using the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) as base materials for 16 of the 19 annexes.

PASO provides advisory, inspection, and oversight services covering the areas of:

  • Aerodrome and Ground Aids (AGA)
  • Air Navigation Services (ANS)
  • Airworthiness (AIR)
  • Aviation Security (AVSEC)
  • Flight Operations (OPS)
  • Air Traffic Services (ATS)
  • Personnel Licensing (PEL)

Recognising PASO’s core purpose, SARP Annex 9, Annex 12, and Annex 13 are currently excluded from areas of services provided to our Members.

PASO Inspectors

PASO uses a consultancy model to access and deploy highly skilled aviation inspectors across the Pacific region to Member States, in accordance with requests for technical assistance under individual State work plans.

PASO maintains a Regional Pool of Inspectors (POI) to oversee avia­tion safety and security and build Member State’s capacity. PASO Inspectors carry out audit activities for our Members and provide reports of findings and recommended corrective actions to Member State’s civil aviation authorities.

PASO’s Pool of Inspectors are qualified as:

  • Aerodrome Inspectors (AGA)
  • Air Navigation Services Inspectors – Air Traffic Services (ANSI-ATS)
  • Air Navigation Services Inspectors – Telecom (ANSI-T)
  • Airworthiness Inspectors (AWI)
  • Aviation Security Inspectors (ASI)
  • Flight Operations Inspectors (FOI)
  • Flight Operations Inspectors (FOI) – Large Aircraft
  • Flight Operations Inspectors (FOI) – General Aviation
  • Security Inspector

When requested, the civil aviation authorities of New Zealand, Fiji, Australia and Papua New Guinea can provide inspection services to PASO Member States for specialised services.

PASO Inspectors carry out audit activities for our Members

PASO Inspectors carry out audit activities for our Members (December 2019).

COVID-19 Challenges

COVID-19 has impacted the operation of PASO’s Audit and Inspection Program resulting in challenges to PASO’s regional aviation oversight service delivery. In most cases, on-site audit and certification activity has been prevented because of travel restrictions and associated quarantine requirements.

PASO’s current operational focus is on delivering practical solutions to meet Members’ current oversight service needs and preparing for the expected surges in future demand by Members when regional aviation activities resume as COVID-19 related disruption and travel restrictions ease.

PASO’s safety oversight system is also being fine-tuned to enable Off-Site Certification Audits (OSCA) by PASO Members via their civil aviation authorities (CAA) with off-site support delivered remotely by PASO’s Inspectors or where PASO’s Inspectors support local CAA personnel to carry out the inspections.

PASO operates two aviation safety and security training and capacity development initiatives.

PASO Inspectors carry out audit activities for our Members (December 2019).

Pathways to Pacific Islander PASO Inspectors

By 2022, PASO aims to have a responsive, experienced, qualified Pool of Inspectors (POI), which includes citizens of PASO’s Member States.

To achieve this goal, PASO operates the Pacific Inspector Development Program (PIDP) with strategic funding from the World Bank, and technical support from the civil aviation authorities of New Zealand, Fiji, Australian and Papua New Guinea.

Last Updated on September 6, 2021