PASO’s strategic vision adopted for next 10-years at successful PASO Week and PASO Council Meeting
VANUATU: The Pacific Aviation Safety Office’s (PASO) strategic direction has been set for the next ten years with the formal adoption of the PASO Strategic Plan 2023-32 at the PASO Council of Directors meeting on Thursday, 1 December 2022 in Port Vila.
The PASO Council also adopted unanimously PASO’s new five-year Corporate Plan 2023- 2027, the 2023 PASO Business Plan, and the 2023 annual budget at the Council’s first face-to-face meeting since November 2019.
Ten-year strategic vision
“PASO now has a clear long-term vision which is aligned to both the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the 10-year Pacific Regional Aviation Strategy. Our role is clearly affirmed and reinforced in these regional strategies,” said Mr. Fui Mau Tupai Simanu, PASO Council Chairperson.
“The PASO Council meeting was a success, and we should be proud of what we have achieved. Together, we are on a positive trajectory to strengthen aviation in the Blue Pacific with our Members’ continued commitment to collaboration and dialogue.”
“It is important that we do not leave anyone behind. If we want to go far, we need to go together. Through our dialogue and active participation, we will achieve this and make a real difference for Pacific peoples,” said Mr. Simanu.

The Pacific Aviation Safety Office’s 10-year strategic direction has been set at the PASO Council of Directors meeting on Thursday, 1 December 2022 in Port Vila. Credit:
Host government welcome
PASO Council delegates from PASO’s 13 Members States were welcomed to Vanuatu on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu by Mr. Henry Worek, the Acting Director General, Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities at the PASO Council meeting.
“As hosts of the Pacific Aviation Safety Office and a founding Member of PASO, we are pleased to celebrate with the PASO Council a successful and productive PASO Council Week,” said Mr. Worek.
“I convey my government’s appreciation to the PASO Council for continuing to work together, collaborate and discuss the importance of having proper aviation systems in place so we can be a better Pacific.”
“Air connectivity is what we need to grow economically, to support our people and our nation and our region. It plays a part in development and with the devastating impacts of COVID-19, we can all attest that aviation is a key driver to economic growth,” he concluded.

PASO’s 13 Members States were welcomed to Vanuatu on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu by Mr. Henry Worek, the Acting Director General, Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities at the PASO Council meeting. Credit:
Pacific aviation ambitions
All 13 of PASO’s Member States provided a brief update at the PASO Council about their various highlights, projects, priorities, and ambitions of their respective States.
“There was an exciting buzz as our Members outlined their impressive achievements and plans for aviation projects in their countries. It is very gratifying to see our Members achieve their ambitions and also recognise and support the critical role PASO plays to help our States to realise their regulatory objectives,” said PASO’s Chairperson Mr. Simanu.
Members States took the opportunity to thank PASO’s development partners for supporting PASO’s operations and subsiding PASO’s regulatory services to Member States in 2022 including the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, and the World Bank.

Mr. Fui Mau Tupai Simanu, PASO Council Chairperson at the PASO Council of Directors meeting on Thursday, 1 December 2022 in Port Vila. Credit:
PASO’s operations
The PASO Council recognised the collective organisational achievements and challenges of 2022.
“With the adoption of PASO Strategic Plan 2023-32, we have real clarity on our purpose and direction for the next ten years. PASO’s new Corporate Plan and Business Plan provide more detail around the specific activities that we are planning to undertake, resource and deliver over the short term,” said Mr. Andrew Valentine, PASO’s General Manager.
“PASO is delivering the quality aviation oversight services that our Members are expecting and wanting us to achieve. PASO’s systems and processes are in place, and while we are still operating within constrained budgets, we are very focused on continuing to be an efficient and highly productive organisation and delivering for our Members.”
“The challenge for us now is to implement our plans and bring all parties on the journey with us.
For 2023, we are committed to further strengthening our performance and welcome all opportunities to do this together with our Council, development partners, and stakeholders,” concluded Mr. Valentine.
The final PASO Council meeting for 2022 was part of the World Bank funded PASO Council Week. The program included an official dinner hosted by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, governance training delivered by the New Zealand Institute of Directors, a World Bank PASO Reform Project completion workshop, and a regional aviation officials meeting.
The PASO Council of Directors includes Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
The Council is PASO’s prime governing body and is accountable to PASO’s Member States for the advancement of PASO’s objectives.
ENDS – 759 words
Media Contacts
Daryl Abel, Administration and Communications Manager +678 776 6590 (mobile/WhatsApp) (Vanuatu)
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