2nd Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting

Pacific Aviation Ministers convened virtually at the second Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting (RAMM2) on Wednesday 22 June 2022 (Rarotonga, Cook Islands time) to discuss how to collectively transform regional aviation.

Ministers committed to revising the Pacific Civil Aviation Safety and Security Treaty (PICASST) and completing a 10-year Pacific Regional Aviation Strategy (PRAS) to strengthen aviation safety and security, and improve air connectivity.

The second Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting (RAMM2) was hosted virtually on Wednesday 22 June by the Government of the Cook Islands with Ministerial representation from 17 Pacific States. Credit: PASO

What is the RAMM2?

The RAMM2 was a ministerial dialogue for Pacific Island States to consider the wide-ranging aviation needs of the region to ensure there is a safe, sustainable and improved aviation system for the benefit of the people of the Pacific.

RAMM2 was an important opportunity for further dialogue where Pacific Island States expressed concerns over the challenges the aviation sector faces, especially where it impacts connectivity. The meeting further saw that commitment and attention was expressed towards achieving the aviation priorities and advance collective efforts to achieve transformative change.

The RAMM2 built on the success of the RAMM1 which brought greater recognition of the strategic benefits of increased air connectivity, recognising the Port Moresby Declaration on Aviation Safety and Security and the Framework for Aviation in the Pacific, as well as the considerable challenges facing aviation following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The RAMM2 focused on strengthening aviation safety and security compliance through enhancing current institutional arrangements and establishing a long-term regional aviation strategy. 

What was discussed at RAMM2?

Pacific Island States unanimously endorsed amendments to the Pacific Islands Aviation Safety and Security Treaty (PICASST) via individual State Treaty actions. The PICASST was originally enacted in 2005 and currently has 10 Pacific State signatories. The PICASST amendments are designed to modernise and ensure it is fit for purpose. The amendments will encourage wider participation beyond the current signatories to enhance regional aviation collaboration and coordination.

Aviation Ministers also endorsed a draft 10-year Pacific Regional Aviation Strategy (PRAS) on an ‘in principle’ basis noting its alignment with the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy. The PRAS is a first for the Pacific region and will guide the long-term delivery of safe and sustainable aviation for the Pacific region.

An update on the impacts of COVID-19 on aviation in the Pacific by the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) was noted by Ministers. The COVID-19 aviation impact assessment identifies aviation recovery scenarios and priority areas of support for States moving towards border reopening. The Ministers agreed to support long-term collaboration and explore regional approaches for sustainable aviation recovery post-pandemic.

Cook Islands Deputy Prime Minister Hon Robert Tapaitau

Who hosted RAMM2:

The second Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting (RAMM2) was hosted virtually on Wednesday 22 June by the Government of the Cook Islands from 1pm to 4pm Rarotonga, Cook Islands time.

RAMM2 was chaired by the Cook Islands Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, the Hon. Robert Tapaitau. The Cooks Islands Ministry of Transport coordinated the RAMM2 arrangements on behalf of the Pacific region with support from the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO).

Who made opening remarks?

The RAMM2 was officially opened by the RAMM2 Chair, the Cook Islands Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, the Honourable Robert Tapaitau. Read his opening remarks.

Deputy Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Dr. Filimon Manoni official remarks are here.

Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Juan Carlos Salazar pre-recorded video remarks are here.

When is the next RAMM?

Aviation Ministers are looking forward to meeting face-to-face for the next RAMM in the fourth quarter of  2023. The RAMM3 will be hosted by the Government of the Republic of Nauru.

The Pacific Aviation Safety Office, as the RAMM Secretariat, will continue to progress regional actions in collaboration with the region’s aviation officials in the lead up to RAMM3.

Last Updated on November 22, 2022